The following Business Principles are at the basis of our company’s culture, which have been developed and will continually be developed over the lifetime of the business.

Our mission is to provide our clients with a service that exceeds their expectations and by doing so become the company they choose to do business with.

We endeavour to achieve our mission by solving problems not creating them, always aiming to be collaborative, co-operative and non-confrontational.

Our success is measured by the high levels of repeat business we receive from our clients.


The values of the company embrace all of our business practices, the development of our employees, respect for other people and the environment; all achieved through our Company policies.


The Company believes that integrity in dealing with its customers is critical for long term customer relationships and therefore the sustainability of the business and continues to actively develop mutually beneficial relationships with all those with whom we do business.


The company believes in the principle of conservation and care for the environment and we constantly seek to introduce environmentally sustainable solutions to the construction process aiming to minimise our environmental impact and promote good environmental practice.

Our People

It is the skill, experience and talent of our people that makes our Company so successful. Our people have a passion for what they do – both in support of our business and in pursuit of their own personal career goals. We are committed to the continuous development of our staff.


The Company maintains an effective set of policies to ensure robust compliance with its legal and moral obligations. These policies are reviewed on a regular basis and appropriate staff communication and training is provided.

The health and safety of our employees and sub-contractors, and the general public is a top priority of our Company.

Our policy, procedures, audits and training ensure that we address the hazardous circumstances we encounter to prevent accident and injury.

Through our employment policies we strive to be a fair and ethical employer without discrimination and providing equal opportunity for our staff. We operate in a friendly open manner to make working for the E-BIS Ltd an enjoyable experience.

We have developed procedures to allow our business to operate in an environmentally sustainable manner in order to protect the environment for the future seeking to ensure we comply with legislation to prevent pollution and minimise waste


As a business we oppose all discrimination in employment on the grounds of race, ethnic or national origin, religion, age, sexual and marital status and disability.

The Company will comply with statutory obligations placed on it by anti-discriminatory legislation and the sole valid criteria for employment will be merit and all job applicants will be considered equally on that basis.

Health & Safety Accreditations

Safecontractor is the fastest growing health and safety accreditation scheme in the UK, with more than 190 major clients and over 18,000 contractor members.

Registered members with the safecontractor scheme include clients and contractors from a wide range of professional disciplines working within a number of industry sectors.

With its increasing membership and growing profile in the UK, the safecontractor scheme is now used by many large organisations as a way of obtaining competent contractors

CHAS is established as the market leader for health and safety pre-qualification in the UK. It is available to suppliers (those who provide goods and services) and to organisations (buyers) looking for suitably competent suppliers.